Thursday, August 20, 2009

Vegetarian > Vegan

Today, I was told that there is a difference between vegetarians and vegans. Personally, I had always thought there wasn't any difference, but this is how my aunt Michelle explained it:

"Vegans are so boring. They can't eat eggs, they can't eat all this stuff." xD It does sound pretty boring; I love eggs <3> vegan. Remember that, kiddies.

The reason why I brought it up is because, as part of my late grandmother's will, I'm going vegetarian. :D This is my third day of eating vegetarian-- three out of forty-nine.

I'm actually looking forward to it. It'll be a nice change of pace, if not challenging. And today, aunt Michelle drove us to her house to eat (she's going vegetarian, too). Dumplings, salad (BALSAMIC DRESSING <3>never gets dirty. It's almost freaky. And he's a fluffy dog, and his tail is like.... WHOOOF. Puffed up like a pufferfish.

On another note, I got a good piece of writing criticism today :O Aunt Michelle told me that my writing doesn't really flow. She says that in the story she read, the sentences didn't really make sense. They weren't like... they were kind of unrelated, she meant. I think I'm going to have to work on that a lot more.

... OH MAN. If you guys have ever seen those awesome electric flyswatters... Excuse the redundancy, but they are just so freakin' awesome. My sister swung one a few weeks ago and caught a fly, and kept shocking it. When we finished with it, it was fried to a crisp. xD It was so cool.

By the way, we got in a mild, mild accident today. As we were getting onto the freeway, this lady-- I don't know what she was thinking-- walked across the freeway entrance while A) there were cars going through it; B) there was no crosswalk; and C) with a stroller. THe car in front of us braked, and we braked-- we didn't hit the car in front of us... that is, until the person behind us couldn't brake fast enough and bumped into us. And because the motion transferred to us, we bumped into the person in front of us. T_TT Go figure. We're all fine, though... just a bit freaked out about the sudden stops and stuff.

1 comment:

  1. hypocrite. you talked about going vegetarian and then you tortured a fly. doesn't that defy the purpose of going veggie? o.O
    enough said. xD
